GRA-GHS promote quality health care abroad and fight against diseases.

We organize comprehensive, holistic health care programs globally in collaboration with our local partners for those who are affected by malaria, early childhood development crisis, dental diseases, HIV/AIDS and STD's, diarrhea, malnutrition, maternal and newborn deficiencies, sexual and reproductive health crisis, and lots more.

We create platforms for collaboration and exchange of experiences and expertise.

We intervene to reduce health disparities within communities.

We organize periodic "care for those who care" programs to give back to health professionals, medical doctors, nurses, and auxiliary health workers by paying for their parking, helping them with childcare, and arranging for a take-out delivery. We also cook a healthy meal and drop off the most needed groceries, essentials, and supplies to their house. All health care professionals are human too. They are our real-life versions of superheroes, but they are not superhuman. They need a consistent shutout!

We purpose to tackle health challenges created by complex systemic inequalities since, more often than none, access to good health is based on race, gender, country of birth, ethnicity, age, class, and other factors.

We strengthen community-led advocacy efforts to support local and global initiatives to create more awareness of creating health for all.

We engage women to nurture other women and their families on the prospect of quality health for themselves, their children, and the entire family.

We nurture a global generation of leaders that advocate health as a human right.

We strengthen community-led advocacy efforts to support local and global initiatives to create more awareness of creating health for all.

We advocate and support family planning, prenatal care, and malaria prevention.

We collaborate with local partners to bolster health systems. We advise public institutions, businesses, grassroots groups, investors, and other NGO groups to collaborate with us to solve the global health crisis.

We promote children and women's health by fighting injustice as we vigorously advocate health care for those who need it most.

We work to develop a network of emerging health leaders in West and East Africa to prepare a bright future for Africa's quality health.

We pursue making health care available in communities where the health care standard is negligible.

We provide access to good quality supplemental vitamins, where there is acutely balanced nutrition among the less privileged.

We provide practical ways to solve persistent food insecurities and urges the government and its partners to implement strategies that will inspire the production, affordability, and consumption of nutritious foods.

We support our partner's commitments in the nations where we serve and catalyze local and grassroots health workers' provision by contributing to global efforts to prioritize frontline healthcare worker professionalization, recruitment, and retention.
Our Work Across Borders

We prioritize access to Health care for the most vulnerable in the world.

We advocate children’s access to vaccinations, medication to fight infections, mosquito nets to prevent malaria, clean, safe drinking water, good food, and nutrition./p>

We campaign that every mother must have access to midwives throughout pregnancy, safe conditions for delivery of babies, and good nutrition and healthcare throughout her life

We urge investment in frontline health workers in low- and middle-income countries

We are driving innovative, sustainable solutions to the most pressing health care challenges of our times. Through training and technical assistance, strategic planning, needs assessment, research, and program evaluation, we equip health providers and communities to strengthen health systems to achieve better health outcomes for all.